Legal Panel Gateway Logo

Supplier Registration

    Please enter company details, primary contact, and preferred username and click "Register".

* indicates mandatory field

Registration Code If you received a registration code through an introductory email, please enter it here. Otherwise, leave it blank.
Registration Code
Business Details
Legal Entity Name *
Trading Name As Above
Consol Display Name Use Legal Entity Name Use Trading Name *
Home Page
Business Type *
Primary Activity *
GST Registered If you are not registered for GST, invoices will not include a payment for GST.
Do you have an ABN If an ABN is not supplied, Withholding Tax at 46.5% will be deducted from your invoices.
If Yes, please specify (* required if GST Registered)

Acknowledge Duplicate ABN
Business Address
Street No *
Street Name *
Street Type *
Suburb * e.g. Longreach
State *
Postcode *
Primary Contact
First Name *
Last Name *
Job Title
Mobile  Eg. +614 9157 0006 *
Phone  Eg. +617 3010 5555 *
Fax  Eg. +617 3844 5555
Email *
Note: You may receive emails from
If your company has spam/junk mail filters please check with your IT Administrator to ensure these emails can be received.
System Administrator User Name
Username * Eg. JSMITH01 or
Must be between 6 and 72 characters long.
Note: Username entered is case sensitive.
Service Details
Service Categories Offered  Select All
Select Categories (Click to add)*
Currently Selected Categories (Click to remove)
  • None

I declare that the information provided herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.